差传 & 布道事工

Mission & Evangelism Ministry


Ready Set... Go !

Moving Forward in God's Mission

Offer your Heart, Resources, Participation





    How the fund of

    The Lutheran Church in Malaysia

    be used ?



    Find out More

    Local evangelism RM 90,000 including: city, new village, foreign labour, media


    本地宣教 RM 90,000(城市、新村、媒体、外劳)

    Oversea evengelism RM 90,000 (including: China, Myanmar, Vietnam)

    海外宣教 RM 90,000 中国、缅甸、越南、差派宣士


    And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? (Romans 10: 15a) Please concern and support local and overseas mission ministries, ministries include: Vietnam, Burma, China's ethnic minorities, the urban ministry, planning new church ministry, local labour ministry, courses and training classes, etc. We hope that through your generous donation and funding short-term missionary ministries, perhaps in the future they will be called by God to become full time missionaries and co-workers, and continue to participate in the mission to serve.


    若没有奉差遣,怎能传道呢 ? (罗马书 10章 15a节)





    Those who sow with tears will reap with songs of joy. Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them. (Psalms 126: 5-6)


    流泪撒种的,必欢呼收割!那带种流泪出去的,必要欢欢乐乐地带禾捆回来!(诗篇 126篇, 5 至 6节)



    Your offering, not only supports the mission work of LCM, but also edifying the believers and the proclamation of the Gospel! We welcome all churches and individuals to participate in this work.


    Supporting of the following Mission works :


    海外宣教 Overseas Mission Fund(缅甸、越南、中国 Myanmar, Vietnam, China)


    外劳宣教 Migrants Mission Fund (本地;尼泊尔、缅甸 Local :Nepal, Myanmar)


    城市宣教 City Mission Fund(励德楼、植堂、网络传媒  L.E.A.D. Centre, Church planting, Multimedia)


    新村宣教 New Village Mission Fund(施赠、培育 Giving alms, Education)


    奉献支持方式  Offering Mode



    “Lutheran Church in Malaysia”

    Cheque offering is to be made to “Lutheran Church in Malaysia”





    或电子转账 (务必电邮告知转账日期、数额)


    Maybank A/C :014169325999

    If you were to mail the cheque (Please indicate ‘Mission support’ behind the cheque) to Lutheran Centre or bank in into our May Bank account, please mail or email us the receipt. If your payment is made online, kindly email us the

    receipt as well.

Follow Us


Kindly contact the national office during office hours:

8.00am – 5.00pm

Lutheran Church in Malaysia
Luther Centre, Level 6, No. 6, Jalan Utara,
46200 Petaling Jaya, Malaysia.

Tel: +603-7956 5992 / 0014   
Fax: +603-7957 6953

email: hq@lcm.org.my